Skin Care Blog
Skin Care Blog
Explore the latest skin care tips, treatments, and wellness advice on the Facials by Minna blog. Stay informed with expert insights to help you achieve radiant, healthy skin.

Ginseng to Orchids: How Korea Is Changing The Skincare Game
Korean skincare has become very popular in the last few years as it helps to get healthy, clear, glowing

Importance of Organic Skin Products
Everyone wants healthy, smooth, and glowing skin. Skin obsession has been around for ages, and people of every age and

Skin Care Before a Photo Shoot
This week we have the incredible Pala Mikayla guest posting with advice on how to prep your skin for a photo

Benefits of Collagen for Your Skin
Introduction Collagen is a substance which is naturally found within the human body. It can be found in the skin,

Benefits Of Massage Therapy
Getting a body rub massage used to be a luxury but as more people get them more regularly, and realize

Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin
Good skin care — including sun protection and gentle cleansing — can keep your skin healthy and glowing for years

20 Skincare Mistakes That Are Damaging Your Face
Most of us have a skincare routine that we stick to out of habit — it’s all about a repetition
Major Skin Problems
Most of us do not know this fact that skin is the largest organ that our body has. It is
30 Day Dietary Challenge for Your Health and Complexion
30 Day Dietary Challenge for Your Health and Complexion Slowly changing your daily intake of foods and beverages toward

Skin benefits to using a steam bath
If you ever want to subject yourself to total confusion, try listening to some popular health advice. That will do
Microderm Abrasion and Skin Care
Softer skin for a better feeling When it comes to the human body, nothing is more apparent at first glance
The Many Advantages for Skin Provided By Steam Shower With Ozone
Oxygen gas is commonly known to everyone as O2. Although its older brother Ozone is quite unheard of. Ozone and oxygen are

What is Acne?
Acne is one of the most problematic and common skin-care problems for individuals across the world—and it can be emotionally one

Top tips for skincare and facial treatment
If you are a resident of Kelowna, BC, Canada (or anywhere else) and happen to be worried about skincare, acne

Escaping Rosacea : Skin care essentials
Why do we need skin care? A fresh glowing skin not only adds to one’s confidence but also reflects a

How to look younger longer
Best Facials to Retain Youth and Glow The ultimate aim behind every beauty treatment is to achieve better results. Although

Effective Skin Care
Learning to choose an effective skin care system To many people, the only facial cleansing treatment the do is washing

How often should I get a Facial?
Should Facials feature in my life regularly? Are facials really necessary? That too! What is the urgency about getting into

How to keep looking younger
In Pursuit of Young Looking Skin We all desire a flawless, glowing, younger looking skin. It gives us a

How to cure common skin problems
Skin Care is Essential: exploring ways to fight skin problems Skin is one of the most sensitive parts of our

Boost your hair with coconut oil in the sauna
Boost your hair with coconut oil in the sauna Dry hair and split ends? We have the remedy for you!

Treatments for Sun Damaged Skin
A Few reflections before embarking on sun damage skin treatments All of us seek a smooth, tight, flawless skin unfazed

General Skin Care Basics
Lots of people usually neglect the importance of taking care of their skin, on the other side, not few of them
Avoid Clogged Pores
The good skin care tips can decide between having a okish looking skin and having the type of skin that makes you

What is SPF?
Sunscreen skin care doesn’t finish when summer does. The summer sun can take a toll on your skin causing dryness, wrinkles,

Why waxing is preferred for hair removal ?
Since the ancient times, a silky, smooth and hairless skin has been considered ideal for the feminine beauty. Hair removal

Should I Get a Chemical Peel?
Chemical Peels are very popular and when done right, can give you some amazing results. It’s the least invasive procedure to

Comparing waxing with other methods of hair removal
There are myriad techniques to choose from when it comes hair removal. There are some that are expensive, some complicated,

Taking care of acne prone skin or treating oily skin properly
Pimple or acne breakout is one of the common skin troubles that affect people of different age group. It usually

Turn Off For Better Skin Health
Have you ever given much thought to how the time you spend looking at a phone or computer screen

3 Tips For A Perfect Spa Vacation
Not only is it a long weekend, it’s the kick-off to vacation season. Are you planning to go away this

Peels, Peels, Peels. Let’s Change Your Skin!
I LOVE Peels! The season is here so book your series now and let’s get started!! A chemical peel is a skin-resurfacing

Get Your Glow Back With Steam Therapy
Don’t be alarmed, but you’re under attack every day. But don’t take it personally—it’s your skin that’s under attack, and

Best Type of Hair Removal
Waxing over other Hair Removal Techniques As women, a lot of us feel the need to maintain smooth and hairless

Taking Control of Psoriasis. Does Steam Help?
The therapeutic effect of steam rooms is becoming a viable option for the care and management of this chronic skin

DIY Beauty Salon Treatments On A Home Budget
They say beauty comes at a price, and this is especially true when it comes to talking about beauty treatments.

Cold weather, a drop in humidity, indoor heat cranked up, and increasing use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers contribute to excessively

5 Ways to Expand Your Spa Business
If you run a spa and you have a successful venture so far, its time for you to expand. Don’t